II Workshop – “Multifunctional Materials: From Basic Research to the Development of New Technologies”


The Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Laboratory and Molecular Materials Laboratory from the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry at the University Jaume I (UJI) cordially invite the materials research community to attend the II Workshop – “Multifunctional Materials: From Basic Research to the Development of New Technologies” which will take place at the Salón de Actos de la ESTCE at UJI from May 2nd to 3rd, 2024.


Thursday, MAY 2, 2024

9h00 Prof. Dr. Jesús Lancis (Vicerrector de Investigación UJI) – Workshop Opening and Prof. Dr. Juan Andrés – Workshop Presentation and Chairing of the Session

9h10 Dra. María Gutiérrez Blanco, Universitat Jaume I – “Decoding the origin of (Z)-alkene selectivity: Mechanistic insights into the semihydrogenation of alkynes catalyzed by Mo3S4 clusters”

9h30 Dr. Eduardo de Oliveira Gomes, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) / Universitat Jaume I – “Exploring the formation of reactive oxygen species on amorphous silica through DFT-MD”

9h50 Dra. Samantha Custódio Silva Lemos, Universitat Jaume I – “Integrating theoretical and experimental methods for advancing multifunctional materials development”

10h10 Prof. Dr. Miguel San-Miguel, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil) – “Advancing silver-based materials for reactive oxygen species generation: Insights and innovations”

10h50 Coffee Break

11h20 Prof. Dr. Jose Manuel Recio, Universidad de Oviedo – “Modeling thermodynamics of an unexpected disordered copper-titanium telluride”

12h00 Dr. Alvaro Lobato Fernandez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid – “Enhancing thermoelectric power in skutterudites under pressure” 

12h20 Prof. Dr. Carlos Doñate Buendia, Universitat Jaume I – “Laser generated nanomaterials for additive manufactured magnetic actuators and bactericidal materials”

12h40 MSc. Monize Bürck, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) / Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Brazil) – “3D printed food enriched with Spirulina: Innovative ways to produce food”

13h00 Dra. Alba Cano-Vicent, Universidad Católica de Valencia – “Alginate-based biomaterials with multifunctional activities”

13h20 Prof. Dr. Ángel Serrano-Aroca, Universidad Católica de Valencia – “Face masks, face shields, lipsticks and scaffolds with antimicrobial functionality”

Friday, May 3, 2024

9h00 Prof. Dr. Vicent Sixte Safont – Chairing of the Session

9h10 MSc. Juan José Mateu-Campos, Universitat Jaume I – “Unrevealing new C-C coupling pathway: Molecular Mo3S4 cluster catalyst orchestrates radical generation”

9h30 Dra. Josiane Carneiro Souza, Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Brazil) / Universitat Jaume I – “Novel effect of neodymium doping on the magnetic properties of Ag2CrO4 system”

9h50 MSc. Silvia Blasco Zarzoso, Universitat Jaume I- “Sustainable multifunctional perovskite”

10h10 Prof. Dr. Frederik Tielens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) – “Computational chemistry as the missing piece in the characterization puzzle of biological mineralization”

10h50 Coffee Break

11h20 Prof. Dr. Julio Ricardo Sambrano, Universidade Estadual Paulista Campus Bauru (Brazil)- “Energy storage and an overview of the semiconductor industry in Brazil”

12h00 Dra. Lourdes Gracia, Universitat València – “Chemical pressure-induced phase transition of DyxPr1-xPO4 solid solutions: A theoretical and experimental approach”

12h20 Dr. Alberto Tuñón-Molina, Universidad Católica de Valencia – Biodegradable materials with multifunctional activities

12h40 Dra. Isabel Abánades Lázaro, Universitat València – “Understanding the synthetic control of properties within multivariate metal organic frameworks”

13h00 Dr. Marcelo de Assis, Universitat Jaume I / Universidad Católica de Valencia – “Unlocking innovation: From idea generation to patent protection”

13h20 Prof. Dr. Elson Longo, Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais (CEPID/FAPESP), Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Brazil) – Copper nanoparticle-enriched carbon coatings for antimicrobial applications


The participation will include a participation certificate with a duration of 10 hours.

To register, please fill out the form below.

Enrollment form: https://forms.gle/vWiNxe4RAGxvmR6E

Funded by Generalitat Valenciana – CIAICO/2021/122